FIRE chiefs claim the potential loss of 22 firefighters from a North-East station will not affect safety.

Plans have been unveiled to cut crews and one fire engine at Billingham Fire Station, near Stockton, despite it being one of Europe’s highest industrial risk areas.

Chief fire officer, Ian Hayton said: "Billingham Fire Station is our only fire station that primarily covers industrial risks and by changing our approach to industry we have identified that we no longer need two fire engines at this station.

"Under the proposal one of Billingham’s two fire engines, which has been independently assessed as being one of the least used fire engines in the UK, will be removed in April 2010.

"The proposed change will not affect the brigade’s emergency response standards.

He added: "We are currently asking the public, industry, the local authorities and other interested parties for their views on our improved way of dealing with any potential fires on our industrial complexes.

"Teesside’s industrial heritage is vastly important to the economic regeneration of the area, and our role is to make sure that we protect that asset but also to ensure that there is no compromise to public safety.

"These proposals do not affect the brigade’s emergency response to residential or commercial property fires.

"I want to reassure everyone our current high standards of public safety will be maintained.

"Local residents will receive the same emergency response as they do now. This new way of working with our industrial partners will ensure that we get the right resources in the right place at the right time and doing the right things in a safe manner."

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