A HOUSING association has launched a month-long programme to celebrate its 35th anniversary.

Representatives from Endeavour Housing Association were joined by tenants and founding members on board the HMS Bark Endeavour, at The Quay, in Stockton to launch the new 35:2000 brand.

The project, which stands for 35 years, 2000 properties, aims to highlight some of the work the association does.

A series of celebrations will take place over the coming weeks, including the launch of the 2000th property in Hardwick, Stockton at the end of November.

Formed in 1974, Endeavour Housing Association was founded after the local Council of Churches joined together to combat social housing problems in Teesside for people in need.

Starting out with just two employees, a small office on Princes Street, in Middlesbrough, and just 73 properties in Hartlepool, Endeavour now employs around 80 staff members as well as having 450 supported housing tenants across the Tees Valley.

Chief executive Angela Lockwood, said: "This is a major achievement for Endeavour as we celebrate the hard work and dedication of everyone who has been a part of the housing association for the last 35 years."