REDCAR and Cleveland Council is planning ahead to improve consultation across the Borough.

The council's cabinet will be asked to approve an eight-week consultation period starting in early December on the new updated document, the Local Development Framework's Draft Statement of Community Involvement.

Councillor Mary Lanigan, the council's cabinet member for highways, transportation and planning said: "The document has been based on our experience, best practice and informal comments made by the public.

"After listening to the comments about how we carry out our planning consultation events, we have been looking at new ways to make it easier for the public to have their say on planning matters.

"The document will clearly set out how and when the public will be involved in the preparation of the Local Development Framework and in deciding planning applications.

"We certainly hope the document will make the process easier to understand and encourage more people to get involved.

"We see it as a key component of the Council's overall strategy for community involvement and participation. It's all about ensuring consultation in the planning process is conducted in an inclusive manner."

The Cabinet will meet on Tuesday, October 27.