A WOMAN has organised a performance to raise money for a hospital that saved her daughter’s life.

Baby-G Hugill was 16 when she suffered a brain aneurysm last year, following surgery she suffered further bleeding to her brain.

Despite the odds being stacked against her she is now on her way to recovery.

Her mother Gill Hugill has spent the last two months organising a performance at Middlesbrough Theatre. It will feature dance schools from across the region performing to raise money for the Neuroscience Unit at Hull’s Royal Infirmary.

Mrs Hugill said: “That unit saved my daughter’s life, she was given a one in 100 chance of survival after suffering a brain aneurysm and bleeding on the brain.

“They told us not to expect her to walk again or to see but she has come on leaps and bounds and will be performing a little routine at the end of the night.

“The surgeons have done a wonderful job on her and we just want to show how grateful we are by helping in anyway we can.

“My daughter has danced all her life so this is the only way we know to raise money, if we sell all the tickets for the performance we hope to raise around £3,000.

“We just called up different dancing schools and asked them if they would be interested in performing, they were all very keen.

“Each school will perform two dances so there should be something on offer for everyone.

The show will be performed on Sunday, October 25 at Middlesbrough Theatre from 7.00pm. Tickets cost £10 and are available through the box office on 01642-817576 or can be purchased on the night.