AN AWARD winning photographer has returned to his former college to help put students in the picture.

Renowned photographer Allan McPhail, whose images have won worldwide acclaim in the tourism and automotive sector, visited Cleveland College of Art & Design (CCAD) where he originally honed his craft.

After operating a successful photography business in London and the North-East, he has returned to the classroom to pass on his skills delivering an digital imagery course to budding young snappers.

Allan, whose career has sent him on shoots for BMW, British Airways and Sony and from Argentina to Japan, said: "I developed a passion for photography from about the age of 14.

"I wasn’t a great academic and I found photography to be a way of expressing myself without having to do any writing.

"It’s fantastic that I now get to share my knowledge with other people with a love of photography back where it all began."

Photography has provided me with a great life. I have seen parts of the world I wouldn’t have ever visited. I have met some wonderful people and it would be great to think my experiences could help someone else enjoy a successful career.

For more details on how to apply for courses at Cleveland College of Art & Design, contact student recruitment on01642-288888.