A 19-YEAR-OLD man received a cut to his neck following a day light knife attack.

Police were called to Burger King on Bridge Road in Stockton after the victim entered the premises at around 11.50am on Saturday, October 17.

He had been confronted by his attacker in the car park to the rear of Mecca Bingo at the junction of Riverside Road and Bridge Road.

The suspect was abusive towards him and attacked him with what was believed to be a craft knife.

The victim was taken to James Cook University Hospital with a neck injury and received stitches to his wound.

Detective Constable Jonny Gowler of Stockton CID said: "This was a totally unprovoked and malicious attack.

"The victim has sustained a nasty wound to his throat and is obviously shaken. The attack happened in broad daylight during a very busy shopping day so somebody must have seen something.

"I would appeal for anyone who might have seen anything no matter how small they think it is to come forward."

The suspect is described as being white, 5ft 5ins tall and of slim build, he was wearing a baseball cap, dark coloured clothing and white trainers.

A second man who was believed to be with the suspect is described as being white, 5ft 7ins tall and of slim build. He was also wearing a baseball cap and dark coloured clothing.

Two men aged 30 and 31 have been arrested in connection with the incident and have been released on bail pending further enquiries.

A spokesperson for Burger King said: “We have taken this incident extremely seriously as the safety of our staff and customers is of paramount importance.

“Fortunately on this occasion, no customers or staff were injured.

“This matter is now under police investigation, to whom we have provided our full cooperation."

The town was very busy with shoppers that day and police are appealing for anyone who may have witnessed the incident or any suspicious behaviour in the area at the time to contact DC Jonny Gowler at Stockton Police on 01642-302226. Alternatively contact the charity Crimestoppers on 0800-555111.