RESIDENTS are being asked to be on their guard against door step sellers offering a cold call registration service.

The warning from Stockton Council’s Trading Standards, comes after reports have been received of a trader in the Borough selling ‘no sales people’ door stickers for £2 each and offering a cold call registration service. Residents have been told that the service deters doorstep traders because traders calling at houses with a sticker would face a fine, if caught.

In order to register for the service residents are being asked to supply their personal details. Nationally there are several official ‘preference service’ schemes which allow you to record your preference not to receive unsolicited sales or marketing calls, faxes or mailings. However there is no such official registration scheme covering personal visits.

Councillor Steve Nelson, Stockton Council’s Cabinet Member for Housing and Community Safety, said: “This door step trader has no connection to the ‘No Cold Calling Zones’ in the Borough which the Council is supporting alongside Cleveland Police and Neighbourhood Watch.

“Your personal details are a valuable personal possession so make sure you keep them secure at all times. “Once you supply your details to a third party you lose control over what happens to that information. "I would urge all residents to keep their details safe and to not give out personal details to someone who has cold called them.”

The nationwide ‘preference services’ are free and you can register online at the official website or by telephoning 0845-0700707.