AN SOS has gone out for players from a young rugby team that is in danger of folding.

In spite of reaching the quarter final of last year’s Yorkshire Cup and the final of the Durham Cup, Guisborough Rugby Club’s under 14s are now struggling to raise a team.

Forwards coach Mark Eland said: “We’ve lost a number of youngsters whose parents have left the area because of their jobs and some of the boys have gone away to school.”

“The players had been together since they were eight so it’s a real shame that the side has been split up in this way.

“At the same time though, it’s a great opportunity for any young rugby fans looking for a successful side to join.

“We are keen to find new forwards and would welcome players looking to shine as props, hookers and flankers. “The squad makes any new players more than welcome and with rugby being a contact sport the lads do bond together very quickly as the forwards have to rely on each other when scrummaging.

“We also get together after games as well as training as the social side of the sport is just as important as the game.”

The under 14s train at Guisborough Rugby Club’s Belmangate ground every Thursday evening between 6 and 7.30pm. They then play or train on Sunday morning at 10am.

For further information email Mark Eland at or call the club on 01287-632966.