A UNIQUE partnership between the police, private sector and academia has launched to help businesses fight cybercrime and online fraud.

The new North East Business Resilience Centre (NEBRC) brings together all seven of the Yorkshire and North-East’s police forces alongside Sheffield Hallam University, Northumbria University and private sector cybercrime experts.

Led by Supt Rebecca Chapman, NEBRC is funded by private and public partners and Supt Chapman said: “NEBRC is a non-profit organisation which exists to support and help protect businesses from cybercrimes.

"Our unique connection to local universities and the seven regional police forces gives us exclusive access to the latest information on legislation, criminal trends, threats and new technology allowing us to provide the very best advice to safeguard staff, customers and business."

Open free seminars are running at Wynyard Hall and Ramside Hall on March 31 at 8.30am and 5.30pm respectively.