A PROGRAMME to help disadvantaged children become ready for school is being launched with government funding.

The two-year training programme is for children aged between two and four in Middlesbrough and will target some of the most disadvantaged youngsters.

It is estimated that the programme - backed by funding of more than £115,000 from the Department for Education and delivered by the Education Development Trust in partnership with Elklan - will reach 60,000 children across the UK.

Four "champions" for Middlesbrough are being trained on the effective teaching of language, literacy and maths, who will pass on their skills to a further 15 early year practitioners to expand the scheme from September.

Middlesbrough councillor Barrie Cooper said: "We are really excited to be part of this Early Years Professional Development Programme.

"We hope our practitioners will gain valuable skills to improve the school readiness of Middlesbrough children and support them with achieving their potential."