AN MP has personally intervened to ensure parking restrictions are implemented on a busy street in his community.

James Wharton, Conservative MP for Stockton South, raised his safety concerns about Worsall Road in Yarm with Stockton Borough Council.

The authority has responded his and other residents’ worries about cars parking on the road causing an obstruction by extending double yellow lines down the street.

Mr Wharton said: “The new medical centre, which we worked so hard to secure, has meant an increase in problem parking. They kindly agreed to display a poster asking visitors to use their car park when approached by my office and now that will be reinforced with yellow lining.

“This has been quite a problem for residents and pedestrians and these improvements should make a difference. I am pleased the Council has listened and look forward to implementation.”

Implementation will take about three to six months as there needs to be a new traffic order.

Stockton Council’s Cabinet Member for Regeneration and Transport, Councillor Mike Smith said: “After receiving numerous concerns about parking arrangements on Worsall Road we carefully considered introducing waiting restrictions in conjunction with the police.

“As with any request for a Traffic Regulation Order, the suggestion was assessed against a number of criteria and this assessment indicated that the introduction of waiting restrictions would benefit all road users and alleviate residents’ concerns about parking in the area.”