A NEW £2.7m library and council centre for a Tees town has moved a step closer following the demolition of an art gallery and offices.

The new customer service centre for Billingham will house the library but also customer services for Stockton Borough Council, housing association Tristar Homes and Billingham Town Council’s headquarters.

Demolition of the old buildings began today, Wednesday, June 5, and the new centre is expected to open by the end of 2014.

Stockton Council’s Cabinet Member for Regeneration and Transport, Councillor Mike Smith, signalled the start of the demolition works by sounding a klaxon horn.

Councillor Smith said: “This is another piece of the jigsaw of the £25m transformation of Billingham Town Centre and it’s exciting to see another key element of our plans getting under way.

“Customer service centres have been hugely successful and popular elsewhere in the Borough and this one will attract people into Billingham Town Centre, generating additional footfall for local businesses.

“We want to give the people of Billingham the town centre they expect and deserve and the changes are happening at quite a pace now.”

Meanwhile, a further £2.3m of works by town centre owners, Stockland, are also due to begin.

Alison Robertson, asset management director at Stockland, said: “We are working with Stockton Council to carry out public realm works which will involve repaving of the entire scheme, new lighting, seating, refurbished bandstand, new public toilets and newly planted trees.

"The works are now on site and are due for completion later in the year.

"We are making the investment as owners of the centre to try and revitalise the town, keep existing retailers trading through this current difficult economic backdrop and give the customers and people of Billingham a more attractive centre.”

Billingham Health Centre in Queensway has recently been refurbished and John Whitehead Park is set to benefit from a £260,000 scheme to create a new skate park and BMX area, improved tennis courts and a multi-use games area.

The demolition of the former Art Gallery and council offices is being carried out by contractor, MGL Demolition, and is expected to be completed by the end of July.

For further information about investment in Billingham Town Centre, visit www.stockton.gov.uk/billingham.