A POPULAR TV presenter and engineering expert has been announced as the man fronting up a festival celebrating the industrial heritage of the region.

Jem Stansfield (CORR), host of several engineering and science related TV shows, will be at the Riveting Stuff event next weekend.

Throughout the event, at the Tees Barrage, near Stockton, he will announce and describe the demonstrations and activities.

Councillor Ken Dixon, Stockton Borough Council's cabinet member for arts, leisure and culture, said: “We’re proud to have such an expert and relevant TV presenter as Jem Stansfield at Riveting Stuff. His enthusiasm for his subject is infectious and I’m sure he will help inspire a new generation of engineers.”

The event starts on Friday, May 31 between 10am and 5pm, with an education and careers day offering people the chance to meet prospective employers, try out aptitude tests and learn about the area’s engineering past.

On Saturday between 10am and 5pm and Sunday between 11am and 5pm, a number of exhibitions and demonstrations will be held where visitors can take part in a raft or bridge building challenge.

There is also a chance to watch a new documentary on the history of local firm Head Wrightson, lift and move weights, enjoy a display of images, models and vehicles celebrating the engineering past, build a boat and race it in the International White Water Course.

For more information visit www.stockton.gov.uk/rivetingstuff