A SPECIALIST health market is to be held on Stockton’s High Street.

There will be fun family activities including food preparation as well as information about fitness, gardening and living well on a budget.

The event will take place from 10am to 4pm on Friday, May 31 and people will have the chance to try Zumba and a range of therapies.

Councillor Mike Smith, Stockton Council’s Cabinet Member for Regeneration and Transport, said Friday’s event will be the second of its type organised by the authority. It is hoped the event will help bring people back into Stockton’s town centre.

He said: “We received a lot of great feedback from the first health market and so it’s great to see its return as part of the lively and interesting programme of specialist markets coming to the town centre over coming months.

“The specialist markets really do boost visitors and shoppers into the town and build on what the popular weekly market has to offer.”