A FIRE cracker was thrown out of a car window at a 13-year-old girl.

The girl received a minor injury to her eye and had to be taken to hospital, Cleveland Police said.

Officers are appealing for information about the attack, which happened at 4pm on Friday, May 24 at the top end of Cass House Road, Hemlington, Middlesbrough.

The girl had just got off a bus and crossed the road to wait for a friend when a silver car drove past. The car contained a white, female passenger with burgundy-red, long hair who threw the fire cracker out of the window.

The cracker was sparking and had smoke coming from it. It landed a few feet away from the girl and then exploded, causing the fragments of the red cylinder to hit her eye.

Cleveland Police can be contacted on the non-emergency number 101, quoting reference number 87283.