A HEAVILY pregnant woman with no home was placed behind bars today, Monday, May 27, after admitting defrauding hotels out of accommodation and food.

Helen Ogden, 29, admitted 26 charges of fraud and theft amounting to about £4,500, at Teesside Magistrates Court.

She has no home and is due to give birth next month but magistrates heard she had previously been convicted of similar charges and remanded her in custody.

Ogden was caught at an unnamed hotel in Hartlepool when a cleaner discovered a number of hotel keys from across the country in her room.

Gary Buckley, prosecuting, said: “She would give false credit card details and leave without making payments. She’s been interviewed and has been very frank.

"Asked how she gets around the country she explains she speaks to a train conductor and gives her credit card details.”

Rebecca Brown, defending, said much of the evidence against her client had come from Ogden herself. She had been candid with the police and needed help.

She said: “The reason for her offending is because she doesn't have anywhere to live. She really needs a roof over her head and food. This lady is very heavily pregnant, due next month. It is not a given that she will get a custodial sentence. She needs a hostel place. ”

The court heard Ogden had previously been sentenced to eight months for cheating 24 hotels across Scotland out of £10,300-worth of accommodation and food. In August, 2012, Stornoway Sheriff Court was told Ogden, originally from Manchester, had a breakdown after losing her job, home and relationship with her partner. She had at various times pretended to be a children’s book publisher and an aircraft engineer.

At Teesside Magistrates Court, Ogden admitted 26 charges of fraud and theft dating back to December 21, 2012. An exact figure of how much she had defrauded was not given in court, but it was estimated by Mr Buckley as being about £4,500.

Magistrates, who noted she had been convicted on similar offences previously and had used more than than ten aliases, decided to deny Ogden bail and remanded her custody. She will be sentenced at Teesside Crown Court at a date yet to be decided.