A SCHEME to close as town centre road for a six-month trial period will start next week.

Middlesbrough Council has agreed to close a section of Southfield Road around the Teesside University campus in an attempt to develop the area as a focal point for students.

The section between Woodlands Road and Southfield Lane will be closed to traffic for six months from the morning of Monday, May 20.

The closure was agreed at a meeting of Middlesbrough Council’s Executive on April 23, with further consultation and evaluation to be undertaken during the trial period.

Teesside University is also expected to submit detailed plans of proposals for a package of measures to enhance the local environment.

The closure will take effect from 6am on Monday, with large planters and ornamental features acting as physical barriers to close the road and restrict parking.

Throughout, businesses within the closure area will retain access to their property for staff and deliveries, while viable alternatives are considered.