TROUBLESOME tenants have been issued a stark warning by a social landlord that their behaviour will not be tolerated.

Tristar Homes, which looks after properties in the Stockton Borough area, has secured nine Anti-Social Behaviour Injunctions (ASBIs) in the past 18 months following abusive behaviour resulting in various breaches of tenancy agreements.

The injunctions were obtained for a variety of reasons including violent assaults against other neighbours and damage to property, as well as a series of aggressive threats and phone calls made to employees at Tristar Homes and Stockton Borough Council.

Further breaches of the ASBIs subsequently led to four individuals receiving at least one custodial sentence with an additional two having had multiple court appearances and jail sentences, others were banned from entering Tristar Homes’ offices.

Kelly Hinckes, of Braemer Road, Billingham, was given an injunction after a catalogue of nuisance behaviour and a threat to a Tristar employee.

The injunction forbade the 34-year-old from making threats of violence, damaging property, shouting, swearing, or playing loud music.

Following four breaches of the ASBI she handed over the keys for her property, signed a termination form and was given a seven day suspended prison sentence, with a clause that if she enters Braemar Road in the next 12 months she will be arrested and brought before the court.

Paul Noddings, Tristar’s Housing operations manager said: “Anti-social behaviour is any aggressive, intimidating or destructive activity that damages or destroys another person's quality of life and so we treat any report of this very seriously.

“The majority of our customers respect their tenancy agreements, however we have a small number who persistently breach and we are committed to escalating action when warnings are ignored.

“We would like to thank the community for their support and highlight that when various agencies and the community work together, the chances of success in Court are much higher. Tristar Homes is determined to continue to crack down on activities that disturb a neighbourhood’s peace and quiet.”

To report any type of anti-social behaviour call Stockton Borough Council’s ASB hotline on 01642-607943 or Tristar Homes on 0300 111 1000.