ENFORCEMENT officers from Hartlepool Borough Council are joining forces with the policee in a major crackdown on dog fouling, littering and other offences that blight the local environment.

The pilot in the North & Coastal neighbourhood area will involve police and Police Community Safety Officers (PCSOs) patrolling and issuing fixed penalty notices as well as the council’s environmental enforcement team.

The new initiative follows a recent investigation by the council’s neighbourhood services scrutiny forum to explore the impact the environment has on health and wellbeing.

Sylvia Tempest, chair of the Neighbourhood Scrutiny Forum said: "Enforcement is essential to ensure a clean and healthy environment and I am delighted that the police is teaming up with the council to take action against those who pay total disregard for their neighbourhoods."

Sergeant Mark Harworth of Hartlepool Police said: "The large majority of people are law abiding citizens who respect the community but clearly there are others who think it’s acceptable to litter the streets and not clean up after their dogs.”

Over the last two years the council’s enforcement officers has issued a total of 327 £60 fixed penaltys for dog fouling and littering.

Anyone with information about anyone littering or not cleaning up after their dogs should ring 523333 or email customer.service@hartlepool.gov.uk