TWO Teesside students will jump into action this weekend when they represent the region at a major national sporting event.

Lucy Stephenson, 18, from Stockton and Antonia Twizell from Billingham, both students at Stockton Riverside College, will represent the North-East in trampolining.

The friends are part of a six-strong team due to perform at the British Colleges sport National Championships in Bath.

Lucy, studying for a sporting B-Tec diploma and Antonia, studying A-Levels, are the first students from SRC to qualify for the national championships, in any sport. They will travel to Bath to take part in the competition this Friday, March 22.

Antonia, who has been trampolining for around five years with the Billingham Trampolining Club, and plans to go on to study for a geography degree when she leaves SRC Bede Sixth Form, said: “I’m really pleased to be picked to be part of the trampolining team. We’re all excited about the competition. I hope I win a medal.”

Lucy, who has also been trampolining since she was 13 and was also a member of Billingham Trampolining Club, added: “It was great to be picked for the colleges national championships, and I’m really looking forward to it – it’s going to be a good weekend.”