A HERD of 20-foot tall ‘giraffes’ will parade down a high street to celebrate the finale of the Stockton International Riverside Festival this summer.

The massive puppets, called Les Girafes - An Animal Operetta, will be the last of more than 100 street acts to entertain crowds from August 1 to 4.

The festival will launch with a dramatic show called Furnace Symphony from German company, Theater Titanick.

The performance on Riverside Road uses large specially designed instruments which represent heavy industry including fire and metal to produce a show which will celebrate Teesside’s steel making heritage.

Last year’s festival highlight was Prometheus, a massive puppet show which filled Stockton High Street and was part of the Cultural Olympiad. It helped to attract £800k of investment to the town and over 70,000 visitors over the whole weekend.

Further information and regular updates visit www.sirf.co.uk.