THE INCEPTION of a new police professional body set up to support officers will be discussed by its creator at Teesside University tomorrow (TUES NOV 6).

Former Police Chief Peter Neyroud’s proposals for a professional body that would oversee police standards were taken up by Home Secretary Theresa May earlier this year.

As a result, The Police Professional Body (PPB), or ‘National College of Policing’, will be launched in December. A free lecture will be given by Peter Neyroud tomorrow evening. In it, he will focus on the inception of the organisation as well as police professionalism and legitimacy.

Mr Neyroud said: “The aim of the new College of Policing is, as an independent professional body, to help transform the police and to oversee and measure policing against a transparent standard that the public can see.

“It’s about training and developing police officers and police leaders better and it is crucial that universities like Teesside University work with the new College and invest in police training. It is something Teesside University can be proud of as it has long been committed to the investment in police training.”

The lecture will take place from 5pm-7pm at Teesside University’s Stephenson Building.