PEOPLE in Hartlepool are being asked to give their views on the future development and use of the town’s outdoor playing pitches.

The new Playing Pitch Strategy – which covers football, rugby, cricket and hockey pitches plus tennis courts and bowling greens - will replace a previous version which was prepared in 2007.

Pat Usher, Hartlepool Council’s head of sport and recreation, said: “Since the previous strategy was drawn up, the popularity of different sports has changed, the nature of pitch sports continues to evolve as new formats are introduced and the age profile of Hartlepool’s sports players has also altered.

“It was therefore important that we updated the Playing Pitch Strategy to ensure that it remains relevant and reflects the sporting priorities of the town’s residents.

“We’re asking local people, sports clubs and any other interested parties to have a look at the proposed new strategy and give us their views on it.”

The new version of the strategy has been developed using the recognised Sport England ‘Towards A Level Playing Field’ guidelines.

The strategy documents can be viewed on the Council’s website at Alternatively, copies can be seen at the Central Library in York Road.

Comments should be e-mailed to by Friday, November 16.

The strategy is due to be considered for final adoption by the council’s Cabinet in December.