A MAN held up an off-licence with a stick on Monday (October 29).

The robber, wielding the stick, demanded money from staff before snatching cash from the till and fleeing AA Johnson’s off-licence in Stockton.

Shop staff were left shaken but unhurt following the incident, which took place at around 9pm in the Bishopton Road store.

The man is described as white, around 6ft tall, slim build and between 18 and 21 years of age. He was wearing a black hoody with grey on it, a dark baseball cap and blue jeans. It is believed he was hanging around the shop for a while before the incident took place.

Police would like to speak with anyone who saw the man or noticed anything suspicious.

Anyone with information is asked to contact Cleveland Police on non-emergency number 101 or Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.