POLICE have warned the public to secure their homes amid fears that burglaries could increase over the winter months.

This week, Middlesbrough Police launched Operation Fortress, a five-month operation aimed at combating burglaries and targeting burglars.

Detective Chief Inspector Dave Lamplough, Crime Manager for Middlesbrough, said: “I would like to reassure all residents of Middlesbrough that Cleveland Police is continuing to do all it can to stop burglaries and the criminals who commit them.

“In the past we have seen an increase in burglaries as the days start to get darker earlier on. We have set up a dedicated team of experienced detective officers who will be working tirelessly to identify and capture criminals.

“Our message to these criminals is clear – if you choose to burgle, steal or handle stolen goods, you will feel the full force of the law and we will do everything we can to ensure you spend your winter behind bars.

“If burglars feel we are closing in on them, they may choose to change their targets from homes to cars to outbuildings, so I would also urge residents to make sure they have all the necessary security in place.”

As part of the campaign, neighbourhood teams will patrol burglary hot-spot areas and leave calling cards at homes they find in darkness to ensure the occupants receive some crime prevention tips.

Advice on crime prevention is available online at Cleveland.police.uk/advice-information/Crime-Reduction or by calling 01642 303171.