THE LIBERAL DEMOCRATS are the first party to announce their candidate for the upcoming Middlesbrough Parliamentary by-election.

The by-election has been called following the death of Middlesbrough MP Stuart Bell, who died on October 13 following a short battle with pancreatic cancer. A date is yet to be set.

Local jobs expert George Selmer has been selected by the Liberal Democrats to represent their party. Mr Selmher, who grew up and went to school in Middlesbrough, will focus on jobs, housing and safeguarding local facilities if he is elected.

He said: “"We need an MP who will tackle the shocking local housing problems and who will fight against the cuts imposed by the Labour council. Most importantly, we need an MP who will work to bring more jobs and investment to the area. I've spent my career helping people back into work and I can do the same for Middlesbrough.

"You only have to look next door, to Redcar, to see the difference a Lib Dem MP can make. While youth unemployment is rocketing here, it's actually falling in Redcar. There is fantastic potential in Middlesbrough. Local people deserve an MP who will give everything to help them fulfill that potential."

Ian Swales, Liberal Democrat MP for Redcar, said the party was fighting to help and support hard-working families. He said: “Local people should grasp the opportunity to elect an MP with a proven track record of getting people back to work.”