AN IDEA to move an ancient fair from Yarm over the river to Stockton has been floated by traders and councillors.

Yarm Fair can trace its history to a charter granted by King John in 1216 and attracts gypsies, showmen and traders from across the north of England.

However the fair, held last weekend, has led shopkeepers to once again complain it is devastating for trade.

Many retail outlets close not just for the popular fair but in the week running up to it.

Now a compromise idea by Peter Bell, chairman of Yarm Chamber of Trade, to move the bigger rides and evening fair to nearby Preston Park, over the river in Eaglescliffe, has won backing from the town’s mayor, Jason Hadlow, and some traders.

Mr Bell said: “Yes, it does affect trade, although my view is traders should stay open if they can. Some of the showmen would actually prefer it to be at Preston Park, where they’d probably do better.”

Jason Hadlow, mayor of Yarm, said: “It’s worth asking Stockton if they would host Yarm Fair. I think it would a fantastic idea and the fair would actually be more popular.”

Lesley Kenneally, who owns Violet Lingerie, said she had previously tried to open the store but decided to close this year. She said an evening fair at Preston Park but with buses laid on from Yarm, and with a smaller Farmers Market with small rides in the day time could be the answer.

The Northern Echo spoke to Archers ice-cream, who actually opened late but still took half the usual takings. Saks, Oxfam and Strickland and Holt all also said they took less than half than usual during the fair. However Martin Rodgers of The Mockingbird Deli, supported the fair, saying his children enjoyed it.

However a spokeswoman for Stockton Council, which owns Preston Park, said: “We have received no request from Yarm Town Council or the operators of Yarm Fair with regards to using Preston Park or any other venue. Before we could consider any such request, we would hope and expect the Town Council to seek the thoughts of operators, customers, businesses and other user groups of any other venues they may consider.”