A CRACKDOWN has been launched to ban to the sale of eggs and flour to young people in the run-up to Halloween and Bonfire Night.

The voluntary ban is part of Operation Autumnus, which is designed to ensure the coming weeks pass off peacefully in Redcar and Cleveland.

The anti-social behaviour initiative will see emergency services, council and housing chiefs take positive action to nip any potential problems in the bud.

A dispersal order covering the Greater Eston area will also come into force this weekend, running from 11.59pm on Sunday, October 28, to the same time on Tuesday, November 6.

The order gives officers the power to disperse groups of two or more people where there are "reasonable grounds for believing that the presence or behaviour of the group has resulted in, or is likely to result in, any members of the public being intimidated, harassed, alarmed or distressed".

This year’s operation also includes dedicated police enforcement and patrols, with additional resources put into key areas on October 30, November 4 and 5.

Chief Inspector Tariq Ali, for Neighbourhoods and Partnerships within the Redcar & Cleveland District, said: "This is traditionally a very busy time of year for us and the dispersal order runs alongside the other enforcement, education and diversionary work we are doing with our partners.”

Councillor Steve Goldswain, chairman of the Community Safety Partnership and cabinet member for community protection, said: "Dark nights and fireworks can leave some residents worried, but we want to reassure everyone that this partnership approach has been put in place through Operation Autmunus to ensure that we are reducing the opportunity for a minority of people who may try to cause problems for other residents."

For further information about Operation Autumnus, contact the Community Safety Partnership Team on 01642-302761 or local neighbourhood management teams on 01642-774774.