FASHION SHOW: The Wolviston Court Townswomen’s Guild is holding a fashion show in Wolviston Court Community Centre, Clifton Avenue, Billingham, on Tuesday, November 6 at 7pm. Entry costs £1 including coffee and biscuit. All visitors welcome.

MUSEUM CLOSED: DATES for this year’s winter closure of Middlesbrough’s Captain Cook Birthplace Museum have been confirmed. The museum, in the town’s Stewart Park, will close from Monday, November 5, re-opening at the end of March in time for the Easter holidays. Nana Tom’s Café and the public toilets will remain open throughout the closure.

SPORTS SURVEY: COUNCIL officials in Hartlepool are seeking the views of local people on sport and recreation services across the town. They are carrying out a customer survey as part of their on-going drive to improve the services currently on offer. The survey began on October 22 and continues until December 10. People can participate in the survey on-line at or, alternatively, they can request a form by calling 01429-523404 or e-mailing

CREEPY CRAWLIES: THERE’S some creepy half term fun lined up for youngsters at Middlesbrough libraries. The Zoolab! sessions at Berwick Hills and Acklam Libraries are a great chance for children to find out all about dangerous and deadly creatures. They’re suitable for five- to 12-year-olds and take place on Friday, November at the following times at Berwick Hills Library 1.30pm - 2.30pm and Acklam Library 3.30pm - 4.30pm.

CONDUTOR NEEDED: The Levendale Singers are currently seeking a Conductor to start in January 2013 due to the resignation of their current musical director due to ill-health. They are a mixed choir who rehearse in the Catholic Church Hall, High Street, Yarm on Monday evenings from 7.45pm to 9.45pm. For more information call 01642-780594 or 01642 783198.