A NEW allotment site has been opened in a bid to encourage people to grow their own fruit and vegetables.

The Sutton Estate Community Allotment, to the rear of Saltersgill Avenue in Middlesbrough, is the result of a partnership between Middlesbrough Environment City and affordable housing providers Affinity Sutton.

The half-acre site is currently being developed for the use of local residents, and will feature ten small allotment starter plots and shared facilities such as a tool store, compost bays, polytunnel and orchard.

Plots will be offered free of charge to local residents from both the Sutton Estate and the adjoining Beechwood Estate.

Catherine Boyle, of Middlesbrough Environment City, said: “With household budgets under unprecedented pressure, growing your own produce is a great way to save money and have a healthy diet.

“Working on an allotment is a great outdoor activity for people of all ages, makes healthy choices more accessible and affordable and helps to reduce the impact on the environment of the weekly shop.”

Anyone who would like to find out more about the scheme or sign up for a free plot should call Catherine Boyle on 01642-243183 or Jess Duggal of Affinity Sutton on 07872-421752.