5K RACES: A series of 5k races have been organised through the winter months in the Stockton area. The first takes place on Sunday, November 4 at 10am (registration 9.15am) at Wynyard Wood Park, north of Stockton. International runner Sharon Gaytor will take part. Call Vicky Fawcett at Stockton council on (01642) 524816 or go to www.stockton.gov.uk/events to find out more.

JENNY ECLAIR: Comedian Jenny Eclair will perform at The Arc in Stockton on Friday, November 2 at 8pm. Tickets cost £17.50 and are available by calling 01642 525199 or www.arconline.co.uk

COUNTRY CAFE: A cafe at a country park in Hartlepool is to remain open over the autumn and winter months. The cafe at 100-acre Summerhill, branded as LibertyCatering @ Summerhill, opened earlier this year in the site’s visitor centre and is run by Hartlepool firm Liberty Catering Solutions. It has served about 2,000 customers since opening and is open seven days a week from 9am to 6pm and has recently taken on three apprentices as well as making a temporary post permanent.