PEOPLE who regularly eat game are being warned to monitor their intake to prevent exposure to harmful levels of lead.

Hambleton and Richmondshire environmental health officers are urging people to be aware that regularly eating food such as pheasant and grouse can lead to exposure to high amounts of the toxic metal found in gunshot.

They say it is especially important for vulnerable groups of people such as toddlers, children, pregnant women and women trying for a baby, as over-exposure to lead can harm the developing brain and nervous system.

“Not all game is shot with lead – that sold in supermarkets is usually farmed and will not be harmful,” said environmental health officer, Maria Bentley.

“If unsure we advise people ask their supplier. “The levels of lead in shot game is higher than the average levels found in other meats – and is normally higher in smaller game such as birds.

“Cooking with acidic ingredients can cause it to dissolve and make it easier for the human body to digest.”

For more information visit the Food Standards Agency website