A GROUP that brings much-needed relief to those who care for others is about to celebrate its 20th birthday.

Thirsk Carers Support Group was launched back in 1992 by local volunteer work Gill Burn and has since gone from strength to strength.

It gives those who spend those who spend their days caring for loved ones the chance to take a break and do things they would otherwise be prevented from doing.

The group has now grown and has around 70 volunteers on its books, all of whom give varying amounts of their own time – for some it can be as little as an hour a week – to look after others.

“There is a real need for this sort of service,” said Ms Burn.

“People are thankfully much more aware of the role carers play nowadays than they were 20 years ago. They actually save the country a lot of money and are very much something that makes a real difference.”

However  increasing demand means there is an ever-growing need for more volunteers. Anyone interested should contact Ms Burn on 01845-523115 or e-mail gill.burn@tscca.org.uk