COUNCILLORS have pledged to urge health chiefs to rethink a decision to downgrade a consultant-led maternity and children’s services unit.

Richmondshire District Council is set to approve a cross-party motion at a full council meeting on Tuesday, October 23, after councillors said they were bewildered by the decision not to include an option to retain the current level of care at Northallerton’s Friarage Hospital in a forthcoming NHS consultation.

Councillors point out that a recent poll of individual GPs in Richmondshire and Hambleton voted strongly in favour of keeping the services at the Friarage – saying it provides the safest, most clinically effective service, and offers the best patient experience and equity of access.

Out of 34 members in the authority, 27 have signed the motion.

Richmondshire District Council leader Coun John Blackie said: “We want to secure an independent and objective high level review of the current services and the proposals to downgrade them – and the only way to achieve this now is via the process available when the NHS proposes major change - a referral to the Government.

“We want the PCT to reconsider its decision – currently they say they are not prepared to allow the option that secured overwhelming support from local people to be part of the consultation.

“This reinforces the public perception that downgrading the services at the Friarage was a done deal from the start.”