PRIMARY pupils are helping create their own sculpture for a new ‘spiritual garden’ at their school.

The artwork is being designed to form the focal point in a new contemplative garden at Croft Primary School.

The garden is designed to provide a quiet, meditative area for the children to visit within school.

Parent at the school, Claire Rutter, from the North Yorkshire and South Durham Decorative and Fine Arts Society (NADFAS) has helped with the project and arranged for a blacksmith from the forge at the Clervaux Trust, just south of Croft, to visit the school.

She said: “They had a great time working with the blacksmith. It really caught the imagination of the children.

“He bought some books in with him to give them some ideas about metal work and garden design and how it needs to fit in with the local environment and natural landscape.”

The children’s ideas will now be incorporated into the final designs for the sculpture and then pupils from Year 5 and 6 will be able to see it created at the forge.