A CHARITY worker is to take part in a two-day ultra marathon that will take him across some unforgiving Scottish mountains.

Miles Bradshaw is due to undertake the Original Mountain Marathon to raise money for a bursary fund for Carlton Lodge Outdoor Centre, in Thirsk, where he works as an instructor and volunteer fundraiser.

The endurance race attracts runners from across the world. Competitors have to navigate their way in pairs through a mountain range in central Scotland.

It is the first mountain marathon Mr Bradshaw has taken part in and he has trained by taking part in regular road races such as the Great North Run over the past few months.

He will carry his tent and food in a backpack during the 45km run and navigate his own route with his running partner using just maps.

He said: “There will be some international top competitors taking part and they will be given an even longer route to run. I’m not a top competitor, I’m doing it purely as a personal challenge.

“We have to take our own lightweight tents and equipment such as stoves. If it’s freezing conditions it might be an uncomfortable night. But I’ll get a sense of achievement from having done it.”

Carlton Lodge offers adventure activities such as a high ropes course, archery and water sports.

The bursary allows disadvantaged children, or those who have a family member with a life threatening illness, to use the centre’s facilities.

Mr Bradshaw hopes his run on October 29 and 30 will help boost the bursary’s funds. To sponsor him visit http://uk.virginmoneygiving.com and type Miles Bradshaw’s name into the search engine to find his page.