RURAL communities that are struggling to get a decent internet connection have been invited to take part in a roadshow that aims to give them support to get online.

The Yorkshire branch of the Country Land and Business Association (CLA) has teamed up with IT and social media expert John Popham for a tour of rural communities as part of national Get Online Week, held between October 30 and November 6.

The CLA’s own campaign, Can’t Get Online Week, plans to highlight the difficulties faced by remote villages when trying to access the internet.

Mr Popham said: “This tour is aimed at getting rural Yorkshire online and able to use social media, even though they may have come up against seemingly insurmountable barriers of connectivity, technology or attitude.

“I believe passionately in the power of the internet to transform people’s lives for the better and I want to make sure that people, who live in remote rural communities don’t miss out.”

CLA Yorkshire regional director Dorothy Fairburn said: “People and businesses in rural areas feel considerable frustration about how hard it is to get a good, reliable broadband connection. “The CLA is lobbying to ensure that every rural household can access a broadband connection of at least two megabits per second and this campaign will demonstrate why it is so important.”

If you are part of a rural community which is struggling to get online and would like to be part of the project, contact the CLA Yorkshire regional office on 01347-823803 or email