THREE horse riders who travelled from Ireland to complete a charity coast to coast ride found a warm welcome in North Yorkshire.

The trio aim to arrive in Robin Hood’s Bay tomorrow, Tuesday, September 13,a week after beginning their mission in Cumbria.

They are raising money for Macmillan Cancer Support and the Katie Nugent Fund, which was set up by the parents of Katie Nugent, from Ireland.

The six-year-old died from leukaemia last year and her parents Nick and Alice set up the fund to provide emotional and psychological support to help other families with seriously ill children. The horse-riders knew the family and part of their route took them through the village of Thornton Steward in North Yorkshire, where Katie’s great grandmother had lived.

The horse riders received a warm welcome in the village near Wensleydale on Saturday, September 10th.

Johanna Kelly said: “We’ve had a really good trip so far and met some great Yorkshire people.

“People in Thornton Steward came out to meet us and we had dinner in the village hall.

“We visited Katie’s great grandmother’s grave and the horses got to graze in her paddocks, which was a very poignant moment of the trip.

“There were a lot of people in Thornton Steward who knew her family.”

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