DOZENS of toddlers have taken part in a fancy dress walk to help raise money for a children’s charity.

The children from Scorton Village Pre-school were joined by their siblings, parents and guardians on a toddle around the village, raising £300 for Barnardo’s.

Andrea Wright, the pre-school manager said: "It was lovely to see so many children taking part. The weather was very kind to us and we are so pleased that £300 has been raised for a very worthy charity.

"The staff explained to the children that they were raising money to help other children who may not have books and toys like they have."

Staff at the pre-school are also preparing for a family fun day to be held on Scorton Village Green on Sunday, July 3, starting at noon.

Adult tickets are £10 and include a hog roast, cheese board and a licensed bar. Children with a paying adult can enter free of charge and can look forward to a bouncy castle, a magician, face painting and glitter tattoos.

Other activities will include decorating biscuits, a colouring competition and a lucky dip.

Gifts and donations for a raffle and tombola are welcome and should be dropped off at pre-school by Friday, July 1 .

All proceeds made on the day will go to the pre-school to provide new books and equipment for the children. For more information about the fun day call Andrea Wright on 01748-812825.