A POLICEMAN who put his own life on the line to save a man from being crushed to death has been nominated for a national bravery award.

PC John O’Malley was dealing with n accident in heavy snow at Staxton Hill, near Scarborough when a gritter lost control coming down the steep slope.

The heavy gritter collided with two other vehicles, one of which knocked a driver into the path of the out-of-control truck.

But quick-thinking PC O’Malley managed to grab the man by his hood and lifted him straight off the ground and out of the way.

PC O’Malley and his wife will now meet Yorkshire MPs at a reception on July 6, and the Prime Minister at 10 Downing Street on July 7 before the awards ceremony at the Savoy Hotel in the evening.

The following day, they will have tea at the House of Lords with Baroness Harris of Richmond.

The chairman of the North Yorkshire branch of the Police Federation, Mark Botham, said: “I had no hesitation in nominating PC O’Malley for the award. He clearly acted in the highest traditions of the service.”