A COMMUNITY sport organisation is looking for a new leader after the retirement of the former chairman.

Active Richmondshire, the community sport network for the district, works to recognise leaders in sport for each individual community and to help communication between sports providers and people who want to get health.

The voluntary position of chairman of the group is available after Phil Woodyer retired after 3 years.

Matt Prosser, sports development co-ordinator for Richmondshire, said: "Physical activity is now regarded as the driving force behind a healthy lifestyle Active Richmondshire is an invaluable asset to a vast number of stakeholders. "These stakeholders must be recognised and allowed an input into the decisions, outputs and outcomes of sport within the community. Active Richmondshire is this outlet and will subsequently lead to the development of sport and achievement of the criteria defined by the Yorkshire plan for sport.

"The input of the chair outside these meetings is determined by the individual but we hope he or she will be keen to drive forward sport, physical activity and health priorities for the district very proactively."

The group meets once a quarter for a couple of hours to review progress against the newly established action plan - support is provided by Richmondshire District Council. For more information contact Matt Prosser at matt.prosser@rltrust.org.uk or Jo-Anne Simpson at jo-anne.simpson@richmondshire.gov.uk by June 30.