A MUSEUM devoted to the bygone world of vet James Herriot is now embracing the latest in networking technology.

It has launched its own You Tube channel where visitors can interact on-line – getting answers to their questions and taking behind-the-scenes tours.

They will be able to contribute links to their own videos about the life and times of famous vet-cum-author Alf Wight - and his son Jim will be answering the questions in a series of videos to be shown on the channel.

The move is the second phase of a series of projects to bring the World of James Herriot centre in Thirsk into the digital world.

Earlier this year it joined "foursquare" – a marketing initiative which allows people access to town and city information via their mobile phone.

And it is already a member of Twitter and Facebook with a stream of followers on both sites.

"Social media is opening up a new world for the James Herriot centre and we hope that by adding You Tube to our network we will access even more Herriot fans both in the UK and abroad," said centre manager Alison Scurrah.

"Getting Jim Wight involved in the project is a great coup .

"As we expand our social media network we also hope to add more features to our digital network."

Fans can send in their questions via james.herriot@hambleton.gov.uk with the subject heading of The World of James Herriot TV.