MYSTERY surrounds the sudden disappearance of a large number of ducks which caused concern recently over their aggressive mating.

Locals in Thirsk are confused as to where the wild birds, which wander free just off the town centre, have gone.

At this week’s Thirsk Town Council meeting council clerk Howard Kemp, said: "A lot of the ducks have gone but the town council is not responsible. We know nothing about it."

The town council is looking into re-locating some of the male ducks which live alongside Cod Beck just off the town centre.

The councillors were concerned that the mob-handed mating technique of the male ducks when they chased partners put off visitors.

Talks have taken place with the Yorkshire Wildlife Trust, Natural England and the RSPB about the passionate birds but no final decision made.

No-one it seems though has any idea why the ducks have gone to and who, if anyone, had anything to do with it.