SMOKERS trying to quit the habit are being urged to accept help in stubbing out their cigarettes for good.

Wednesday is national No Smoking Day and the North Yorkshire Stop Smoking Service is encouraging smokers to finally clean up their act.

Smoking is regarded as the UK’s number one cause of avoidable premature death and is linked to a range of serious and often fatal conditions.

However the health benefits begin as soon as the last cigarette is put out - and after six months the risk of heart attack, cancer and other smoking diseases begins to fall.

Head of the North Yorkshire Stop Smoking Service Margaret Hewitson said: "You may have tried quitting before and gone back to smoking. That’s perfectly normal – most people who successfully quit will have tried several times before.

"But don’t give up on giving up; if you’re committed to quitting, you can do it, as over a million people who have successfully quit on previous ‘No Smoking Days’ can prove."

Contact the service on 0845 877 0025 or by visiting