A BATTLE has broken out between political rivals over supporting campaigners fighting to prevent an incinerator being built near their homes.

North Yorkshire County Council is looking at the possibility of locating an incinerator at one of six sites including Dalton Airfield Industrial Estate.

Residents in Dalton, near Thirsk, are against this and so they set up the Dalton Incinerator Steering Committee (Disc).

Disc says it has had no support from Anne McIntosh, the Vale of York MP, who is also the Shadow Environment Minister.

Jonathan Roberts, Labour’s Prospective Parliamentary Candidate for the Thirsk and Malton seat, has now waded in criticising Miss McIntosh.

The attack is particularly dangerous to Miss McIntosh as due to boundary changes she fights for the Thirsk and Malton seat at the next General Election.

Mr Roberts has met with Disc and has provided advice and support to the group.

He said: "This isn't a party political matter but it simply is not normal for an MP to be so blasé about issues that matter to local people.

"No doubt as we approach the election we will see a bit more of her. I urge her, therefore, to at the very least meet with the campaigners.

"I would estimate that 80 per cent of the correspondence I get from constituents are a direct consequence of Miss McIntosh's failure to get involved in local issues."

David Andrews, Disc chairman, said: "He is a nice guy and he’s been really helpful and we can’t fault him.

"It’s a bit of a shame that we haven’t had the same response from Miss McIntosh who has never agreed to meet us.

"It’s very disappointing but it seems to be the situation on several issues where she has been asked to help."

Miss McIntosh has defended herself from the accusations stating it was not her role to decide on the matter.

She said: "I think it’s very easy to commit to promises when you are a candidate and then to not fulfil them when you get elected.

"I have been very clear on the fact that planning matters should be for local authority’s to decide upon.

"I’ve been very careful not to give a view and it’s unacceptable for MPs to get involved on something like this."