A BRITISH soldier has died from wounds sustained in an explosion in southern Afghanistan, the Ministry of Defence said today.

The serviceman from 3 Rifles was killed yesterday morning while on foot patrol near Sangin in Helmand Province.

His death is not linked to the ongoing Moshtarak operation. Next of kin have been informed.

Lieutenant Colonel David Wakefield, spokesman for Task Force Helmand, said: "It is my sad duty to inform you that yesterday a British soldier from 3 Rifles died as a result of an explosion in Sangin, northern Helmand.

"He was on a foot patrol to the south-west of Patrol Base Blenheim when he was struck by an explosion.

"He died in the course of his duty and among his comrades. He will be sorely missed and we will remember him."

The latest death takes the number of British casualties since fighting began in Afghanistan in 2001 to 269.

It is the second fatality to hit 3 Rifles in the past few days. On Tuesday Corporal Richard Green, 23, from Reading, was shot dead while at a checkpoint near Sangin.

The Northern Echo has launched a campaign to support the 3 Rifles' Swift and Bold Wristband appeal, which raises money for the battalion's injured soldiers and the families of soldiers killed in action.

Demand has been intense and more wristbands are due to arrive at The Northern Echo offices in Darlington and Bishop Auckland, and at the DLI Museum, in Durham City, next week. In the meantime, people wishing to make a minimum £2 donation can leave their names and contact details at the reception in either office.