FOR the right occupant it’s the perfect property, right in the centre of one of the country’s most desirable cities but with plenty of space to relax.

But more importantly for its target customers the exclusive residence also has direct access into the river that runs alongside - and the fish that swim there.

For the latest development to be competed at the £150m Hungate Urban Neighbourhood in York is not aimed at people at all - but the otters that live nearby.

It was only a few years ago that the much-loved otter was regarded as a threatened species, its survival put in jeopardy by habitat loss and pollution.

But thanks in part to conservation efforts, its numbers are now increasing and sitings have recently been made on rivers in the centre of several towns across the region.

York is no exception and the creatures have been spotted in the Foss, which runs alongside the Hungate development.

So a holt has been included in the work, a three three-metre square home for otters including a corridor and chamber which can be used for pleasure or relaxation.

Ecological consultant David Houldershaw said: "We are confident of attracting residents for this very special and desirable property and hope that it will get snapped up by a mating pair, so that the otter population on the Foss can grow.

"Some otters will use the holt for mating and others will simply take a rest in the chamber."

The human residents will be able to enjoy watching their new neighbours after they move in, as a viewing platform is being created at Foss Islands Nature Reserve, a safe distance away from the holt.

Ian Shepherd of Hungate (York) Regeneration Ltd, which is developing the site, said: "This is without doubt the most unusual property that has been built on site and comes as part of a package of environmental improvements to the river, nature reserve and banks."