MEMBERS of a church made a big splash over Christmas - by donating the money they would have spent on greetings cards towards the purchase of a well for a village in Kenya.

So generous were the donations from members of Northallerton United Reformed Church that funds were raised to provide wells for two villages.

Liz Styan, co-ordinator of the church’s eco-group, said: "The two-fold aims of our ‘make a splash’ appeal were to raise money for a well, through Christian Aid, and to reduce the need to cut down trees solely for the purpose of sending multiple Christmas cards."

Despite the recession, church members and friends made generous donations in lieu of Christmas cards and some also used the opportunity to make donations as alternative Christmas presents.

When offerings from services and donations from visitors and friends were added to the total, the church easily surpassed the £495 target for the purchase of a well and soon doubled the figure to ensure that two separate Kenyan communities could benefit from the appeal.