POLICE in North Yorkshire have promised to take a tough line with anyone caught using Halloween or Mischief Night as an excuse to cause anti-social behaviour.

Officers have been working with local shopkeepers to encourage them to not to sell flour and eggs to young people and extra patrols are planned in known anti-social hotspots.

Teams have also visited schools around the region in the run up to half term to talk to teenagers about the dangers and potential consequences of unlawful behaviour and misuse of fireworks.

Chief Inspector Mark Khan, of the Safer Neighbourhoods Development Team, said: "While the autumn festivities are fun and enjoyable for most people, for some of the more vulnerable members of the community, especially the elderly, it can be very distressing.

"Unlawful behaviour under the guise of ‘mischief’ will not be tolerated and anyone who is caught causing problems will be dealt with swiftly and firmly and could end up with a criminal record.

"We also ask that parents take responsibility for their children’s behaviour and ensure that they know where they are at all times."

Police have also produced posters for residents to put in their windows if they do not wish to receive Halloween callers. This can be downloaded from www.northyorkshire.police.uk