A TALENTED trio of musicians is to perform a special children’s concert for Sowerby Music.

The Thorne Trio formed ten years ago at the Royal College of Music and they are to perform twice in Sowerby.

The group has played at several impressive venues such as Buckingham Palace, the Houses of Parliament and The National Gallery.

The two concerts are on Saturday, November 14 with a wide ranging programme of music including that by Mozart, Schubert and Gershwin.

The children’s Calling All Kids! concert is at 3pm in Sowerby Parochial Hall with free entry for the youngsters and £3 for adults.

The main show is at St Oswald’s Church, Sowerby, from 7.30pm with free entry to children and £9 for adults in advance or £10 on the door.

Tickets are on sale at White Rose Books and Hambleton Books, from Peter Rush on 01845-518001 or via www.sowerbymusic.org.uk.